Sunday, June 26, 2011

Taiwan Day 25: 21 JUNE 2011 (忠義国小六年级毕业典礼)

Graduation Day! says byebye to standard six students...

Morning, Ms Ma brought few standard six students to 南机场乐活园地 for wall painting. Firstly,里长 do the briefing and get ready for the next day wall painting session. :)

*Briefing Session (里长 and standard six students)*

Afternoon, Shi Jie and I continued backdrop decoration for their graduation night later. We paste three Chinese words which are the themes for graduation. There are 感恩,传承,荣耀. We keep adjusted it until perfect. We climb up and down, here and there, just to make sure it is perfect and look nice. This is my first time for stage decoration of this such big function.

*Backdrop decoration part - Themes (感恩,传承,荣耀) -*

記得十年前的我,六年級畢業的時候,我的淚水。 一滴也沒掉。

在忠義國小的畢業典禮裡,各種的片段,有開心的,悲傷的,感傷的,溫馨的。。。。。。 都勾起了我很多的往事回憶但是,“往事只能回味”,在這時刻,堅強的我卻 受到這感人肺腑 的畫面而掉下一滴的眼淚了。畢業典禮的場面雖然簡單,儀式也沒那麼的隆 重,可是場面非 常的溫馨、感人。老師們都盡他們的力量,把這一百年度的畢業典禮辦的最 好,能讓畢業班 的學生們能夠留下深深難忘的回憶。。。

日子一天一天的過去,轉眼間,簡單而有意義的畢業典禮就這樣結束了。這也意味著學生 們,六年在忠義國小里酸甜苦辣的生活要結束了。國中的生活也即將開始啦!

在這裡,我要對你們(六年級畢業生)說:“慢慢的享受你們的暑假,然後展開你們新的旅程 碑吧!”

加油! ! !=)

Long waiting Standard Six Graduation Ceremony is now start, 7.30pm sharp. All the students and parents gather at the hall before that.

Some of the students felt sad, some felt happy...... A lot of emotions you can spot at this precious moment. Happy, Joy, Sad, Cry, Scare, Nervous...... Some students not willing to leave this lovely school and their lovely teachers. A complex feeling I can feel it in my heart at this moment. Suddenly I miss my primary and secondary school life.

*Principal is giving away certificates to the students*

* Lantern made up a love shape with year 100 inside it - this show the feeling of love towards their school, teachers, parents, classmates and friends*

Lastly, not to forget to take class picture with standard six students. Although is just two weeks together with them and share all the Malaysia cultures to them, I really feel happy and have a sweet memorable moment together with them. A lot of my first and happy experiences here. ^^

*Standard 6 Class 3*

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